
Sunday, June 18, 2006

An NFL star falls off his motorcycle and this prompts mass hysteria about mandatory helmet laws. This has got to be the best one.
But helmets generally save lives and prevent injuries.

At one time all states required helmets, but under pressure from those who advocate "freedom" lawmakers in 30 states have rolled back those laws, including in Ohio and Kentucky.

Over the last decade, deaths in motorcycle crashes have nearly doubled, going up eight straight years even as the total number of miles driven has decreased. Recent federal studies concluded that 700 lives could have been saved in one year alone if they were mandatory.
Honestly, how can you write that with a straight face? Why the hell is "freedom" in quotes? Is that because it's just a figment of our imagination? Think of how many lives would be saved if motorcycles were banned completely, and everyone was transported in padded busses? Kinda reminds me of the dangers of dihydrogen monoxide. Something tells me the helmet nuts look at the DHMO site and "don't get it."
