
Sunday, July 09, 2006

Lakes? In Texas? Political wrangling? You're making this up.
Decades of political infighting, lawsuits and questionable planning have culminated in a West Texas reservoir that, so far, has been little more than a $70 million fishing hole.

But the reservoir, planned since the early 1970s as a future source of drinking water, appeared to become unneeded when Lubbock and 10 other cities recently secured more than a century's worth of Panhandle groundwater.

Yet Lubbock, signaling how precious water is on semiarid plains, is considering beginning construction soon of a pipeline from the lake, even though the cost of moving the water 65 miles and 1,000 feet uphill is among its most expensive supply options and would dwarf the price of the reservoir itself.
West Texas. Water. Don't think this issue is going to go away anytime soon.
