
Monday, July 17, 2006

Things to do in space when you get bored.
1. Who can toss the laptop the furthest down the station before it bounces off the wall (of course, we would appreciate it if you use Station assets for this one).

2. Arm wrestling: Big [robot] arm vs. little arm, David and Goliath II, the battle begins.

3. Boom toss - toss the [robot arm inspection] boom between arms (just don't tell the Canadians if you lose it).

4. Take all the CWCs [water transfer bags] into the Crew Lock, close the hatch, empty the CWCs and go for a swim (PBAs might be needed).

5. Lawn darts (if you need a target, remember that's an Aggie compatible task).

6. Marco polo (the whole fish-out-of water thing would need to be tweaked though).

7. We could up-link a few appropriate computer games for you if you like - Asteroids, Space Invaders, or Star Wars' Wing Commander.

And last but not least, here's a haiku from our GC,

Day of Freedom Launch
Leonardo and Spacewalks
Crew now Chillaxin'
I can't imagine ever getting tired of just looking out the window, but I do believe that's the first time I've ever seen the word chillaxin' uplinked in an execute package.
