
Friday, December 22, 2006

I have no idea what the probability would be of detonating a nuclear warhead during its assembly or disassembly, but I know it sure as hell ain't zero.
"There is no credible scenario in which an accidental nuclear detonation can occur at Pantex. Assertions that production operations could have resulted in such a detonation are inaccurate and inflammatory," Swaim said.
Well of course that's what he'd say. Just like it's impossible for a piece of foam to bring down the space shuttle, or a huge company to lose personal info because it's "against company policy." Shit happens, and I've been accused by a long-time reader of being less than fair in this post, but I don't think so. A government worker saying what the public wants to hear doesn't really make me rest easier, and saying it can't happen has about as much to do with keeping it from happening as the "employees must wash hands" sign in the bathroom has with keeping feces out of your salad.

If I wanted that much smoke blown up my ass I'd get a pack of cigarettes and a length of hose.
