
Monday, December 18, 2006

Long-time readers know that I'm not the judge and jury when it comes to crimes recognized by the grammar police. At least those of you that are still speaking to me. Anyhoo, I saw this a few weeks ago, and it caught my attention. So much so that I had to look at it twice. Then I had to look at it a third time and bring in the camera to take a picture of it. Who thought breakfast could be so complicated?

Admittedly, when the world was making fun of Dan Qualye for not knowing how to spell "potato", I was on his side, because I wasn't sure if it had an 'e,' either. But this is what's hilarious about this picture:

It would appear that the sign was originally correct, yet someone removed the "E" in an attempt to 'correct' it, and for my money, correcting something to make it wrong is funnier than being wrong in the first place.
