
Saturday, December 30, 2006

Saddam's execution has caused quite a controversy, and I'm only talking about with TV executives as to whether or not to show it.
The apparently imminent execution of the deposed Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein threw executives at television news organizations into hurried consultations today over how to handle pictures or video of the hanging.

Though it was not known whether images of the execution would be released, the news divisions at ABC and CBS said that, should video become available, they will show some visual documentation of Saddam’s death but will not use overly graphic images or show complete execution.
Ironic, really. Networks taking the self-congratulatory moral high road of sparing us, the poor viewer, of graphic footage of a body swinging from a rope, which is probably one tenth as graphic as any Mel Gibson movie, just as long as another network doesn't do it first.

As always, the high road.
