
Friday, December 01, 2006

A year and $76,000 later the City of Galveston has at least a proposal for a new name to jump start its tourism: The City of Galveston Island. Holy crap is that money well spent! Not only does it incorporate the name of the city, county and island on which it resides, but other than confusing every map in the world, adds no real value.
Friends of Galveston don't have to worry because nobody's in a rush to change its official name to the City of Galveston Island.

The proposed change was one of more than 50 suggestions made by North Star Destination Strategies, a Nashville-based company that conducted a $76,000, yearlong marketing study for the Galveston Island Convention and Visitors Bureau.
I think I missed my true calling in life. As a complete liar, I could have come up with some bullshit like this:
If Galveston were a public figure, residents said, it would be a combination of Jimmy Buffett and Ernest Hemingway, Distefano said. "Laid back and friendly, but with a hint of adventure and full of tales."

He said Galveston presents a unique combination of history and beaches. "We do a better job with our history than we do our beaches," he said.

Lines for suggested ad campaigns include things like "Pirates hid out here, so can you."
Ah, the Pirate contention. You never go broke appealing to the lowest common denominator.
