
Sunday, January 14, 2007

Senator, Vietnam Vet, Republican and member of the Foreign Relations and Select Committee on Intelligence committees Chuck Hagel
Let—let’s start with some alternatives. Seventy-nine recommendations made by the Baker-Hamilton Commission report. One of them focuses right on what I’ve always believed will, in the end, be the result of Iraq and the Middle East, and that’s a political settlement. That means some kind of effort be made—and I didn’t hear much about this on Wednesday night in the president’s speech—to try to focus our efforts on a political accommodation, resulting in a political resolution, resulting in a political settlement. The Middle East is in more trouble today, more combustible, more dangerous than at any time since World War II. And you can measure that in, in Lebanon, Israel, the Palestinian states, Iran, Syria. And to say that we are going to feed more American young men and women into that grinder, put them in the middle of a tribal, sectarian civil war, is not going to fix the problem.
Ok, so Chuck's chattin' up the talking heads trying jump start his '08 presidential campaign, but still, this can't be good for 43. But then it got ugly.
This speech given last night by this president represents the most dangerous foreign policy blunder in this country since Vietnam.
Oh, no, not the "V" word!?! He's officially the 500,000th person to compare Iraq to Viet Nam! Someone give that man the prize turkey!
