
Thursday, February 01, 2007

Levee is an ancient French word for LEAVE!
One hundred twenty-two levees from Maryland to California are at risk of failing, according to a list released Thursday by the Army Corps of Engineers.

There could be danger to people who live in communities near some of the levees as well as a chance that they will have to pay more for insurance, said Butch Kinerney of the Federal Emergency Management Agency's national flood insurance program.

Communities near the levees have been notified that they have received an "unacceptable maintenance inspection rating." That means a levee has one or more problems, which can include movement of floodwalls, faulty culverts, animal burrows, erosion or tree growth, according to a statement released by the Corps.
I know it takes a lot to drive most people from their homes, but if the only thing standing between your floor and 4 feet of water is a pile of government dirt, maybe you should investigate a relocation.
