
Thursday, May 10, 2007

Be sure and check on local air traffic before you start your 17 acre cadaver farm. Don't want to share the airspace with the buzzards. Wait, what?
Texas State University's plan to build the nation's largest "body farm" of cadavers is on hold after scrapping its proposed site amid concerns that buzzards could endanger nearby planes.

The university will now scout a new location for what will be only the third body farm in the nation. The school had hoped to begin burying bodies later this year.
This is the kind of shit that eats up my tax dollars when CSI: San Marcos goes into syndication.
Plans for the site included a razor-wire fence around the property, vulture-proof cages to protect exposed bodies and a 70-foot grass buffer around the site to absorb rain runoff.
What an excellent way to study bodies left outside in overturned shopping carts. What about studying the more probable outcome of, oh, Ida know, a body picked apart by buzzards?

And is there a glut in the international cadaver market? Aren't there some over-caffinated med school students somewhere that need these bodies so they can graduate med school and validate their lives in the lack of their father's love?
