
Thursday, May 10, 2007

For a small West Texas town, keeping out negative elements that brings down their standard of living isn't easy. Sure, 45,000 tons of nuclear waste is ok, but you want to drink a beer? What, are you freakin' crazy?
The West Texas county that stores nuclear waste and is vying for another radioactive project now will consider whether to allow residents to buy alcohol.

Voters in Andrews County, which borders New Mexico, will decide Saturday whether to allow beer, wine and alcohol sales.

Supporters say allowing alcohol would help the city of Andrews grow and retain workers. Opponents say the economic benefit won't offset less desirable elements, increased domestic violence, prostitution and drugs, which come along with bars and liquor stores.

"I think it'll be bringing a wrong message," said Ellen Hoffman, a member of the Keep Andrews Dry coalition. "I'm very opposed to it."
Unbelievable. I wonder if these people think that domestic violence, prostitution and drugs don't exist in dry counties? The drug thing is a no brainer. It's much easier to get drugs, especially if you're under 21, than it is to get a beer.
"We're growing, but I think we need this outlet as a choice for people," Hester said. "I simply see this as something that our county's going to need if we're going to come into the 21st century."
Come into the "21st" century? Try 19th, Tommy.
About 10 miles west of the city is Waste Control Specialists, a site currently storing 45,000 tons of Cold War-era radioactive waste brought from a shuttered Ohio plant. The county also wants to bring a nuclear reactor, called a High Temperature Teaching and Test Reactor, to the area.
Sounds lovely. I'd want a bottle if I lived there, too. Crazy, overreacting puritanical nanny, drive it home for us:
Hoffman said employers, including those whose employees handle radioactive materials, should be concerned about workers' safety.

"What company wants you to drink all night and work with radiation all the next day?" she said.
Is anyone advocating alcoholism, you fucking retard? No. Did you consider the possibility that someone living in the toxic waste dump you call a city might want to have a beer before dinner? Maybe they don't want to drive to Tahoka to get it? Maybe they want to keep what little money currently circulating in Andrews to actually stay in Andrews so maybe someone beside the Toxic Avenger would want to live there.

Just a thought.
