
Monday, May 21, 2007

The web is an amazing tool for bringing people together, whether it's someone who want to buy a hubcap off an 87 Buick from a guy in Phoenix, a teenager that wants to listen to a Cheeta Girls song, and let's not even bring up dating sites. So it was just a matter of time before people that want to borrow money find people with money to loan. On its face, it sounds like a brilliant idea. If you're making 5% on your savings account and someone in California is paying 20% on a credit card, why not split the difference at 10% and everyone goes home happy? Of course, you accept the risk of that person not paying, but you can buy such a small portion of someone's debt, you could still come out ahead even if you bought some lemons.

Some how I think something like this might be in the future for some of these people.
