
Saturday, June 30, 2007

Here's a shocker: Cats like it when you feed them.
Your hunch is correct. Your cat decided to live with you, not the other way around. The sad truth is, it may not be a final decision.
Well, duh. Everyone that has a cat knows that you don't pick them, they pick you. Not everyone is lucky enough to make the cut.
The findings, drawn from an analysis of nearly 1,000 cats around the world, suggest that the ancestors of today's tabbies, Persians and Siamese wandered into Near Eastern settlements at the dawn of agriculture. They were looking for food, not friendship.
Again, I don't know what this should come as a surprise to anyone, and the cat-dog, Ford-Chevy, Mac-Windows, Intel-AMD debate isn't likely to be settled anytime soon. I will say this: you will never hear a cat person espousing the benefits of killing puppies.
