
Saturday, June 16, 2007

There must be a special place in hell for these folks
Cruising near the intersection of Shane and Villamain about 3 a.m., Hernandez and Salinas noticed a young man and woman standing over the Union Pacific railroad tracks, a police report said. The friends felt something was wrong and doubled back and noticed a kitten in the woman's hand.

"They knew we were watching them," Hernandez said.

So Hernandez switched off his headlights and parked nearby.

"It was disgusting, really, seeing someone tie a kitten to the tracks," Salinas said, "just for the joy of seeing it get run over."

The couple got into a green Saturn and pulled away. Hernandez drove closer and killed his engine. Silence. Then the high-pitched cry of the kitten. It was upside-down, its back legs bound to the tracks, he said.

Hernandez and Salinas untied the creature, got back in the pickup and called police. They caught up to the Saturn and recorded the license plate number but backed off when the man stopped the car, retrieved a gun from the trunk and pointed it at them, Hernandez and Salinas said.
'Cause it takes a really strong person to torture a kitten.
