
Thursday, December 27, 2007

Paul bashing, War Street Journal style:
Rep. Ron Paul, by far the most popular sideshow act in the 2008 presidential circus, is supposedly a libertarian. He even ran for president as the Libertarian Party nominee 20 years ago. But is he really a libertarian?

A libertarian, we thought, is someone who favors liberty, sometimes taking extreme positions toward that end. As the old joke goes, if you want to find out if someone's really a libertarian, ask him: Do you think children should be allowed to buy heroin from vending machines? A real libertarian will answer: Only if the vending machines are privately owned.
What a crock. First off, this how did the status quo become so dependent on the Government for all our services that any questioning of state power automatically brands you as a kook?

Secondly, the joke of the vending machine is totally lost on me, in that just like vending machines, so called "illegal" drugs are everywhere and are as easy to get as a diet Dr. Pepper, but unlike a vending machine, a drug dealer will always take your dollar.

