
Saturday, December 01, 2007

Remember back in aught four, after the Bush administration gave up on that whole WMD line, when they pursued the whole, "Saddam did bad things to his people in the name of the law" bullshit? I know that was four three years ago and all, but why don't those same people put that same logic to this case. After all, they have more oil.
In the case of the Girl of Qatif, the woman — a member of the kingdom's Shiite minority — was attacked in 2006 when she met a high school friend in his car to retrieve a picture of herself from him, since she had recently married. Two men got into the vehicle and drove them to a secluded area where five others waited, and then the woman — 19 at the time — and her companion were both raped, she has said.

In October last year, she was sentenced to prison and 90 lashes for being alone with a man not related to her — a violation of the kingdom's strict segregation of the sexes. The seven rapists were also convicted.
90 lashes for getting raped. Sounds like local law laughing in the face of basic human rights. Why aren't we invading? Oh yeah, there's this:
