
Tuesday, January 01, 2008

TV sucks, DVRs have made it even more difficult for advertisers to get you to sit through the crap between their commercials, and how is the TV industry ensuring their livelihood? By making the majority of the TVs in the country obsolete. But never fear, your government is hard at work, making sure that no one in the country is deprived their god given right to Budweiser and Tampax commercials.
Millions of $40 government coupons become available Tuesday to help low-tech television owners buy special converter boxes for older TVs that might not work after the switch to digital broadcasting.

Beginning Feb. 18, 2009, anyone who does not own a digital set and still gets their programming via over-the-air antennas will no longer receive a picture.

That's the day the television industry completes its transition from old-style analog broadcasting to digital.
OK, maybe cable subscribers won't need the converter. What about analog cable? Is it going away? I don't really care. Fuck 'em. It's one thing to make everyone subscribe to digital service, but to make you buy new hardware or a converter? I may be a luddite (may?) but I'm not going to play ball. This is the sign I needed to get rid of the idiot box.
