
Thursday, March 06, 2008

After being pandered to their entire lives, Generation Y is in the work force, and what are they doing? Whining about it:
The presentation chronicles their love of space and the heartbreak of working at an agency that has had such a tough time connecting with the rest of their generation and getting them excited about space. It also talks about how important the under 30 crowd is.
Excuse me if I don't bust out crying. If you're not being engaged at work, don't just sit there and bang on your fuckin' high chair 'till someone tops-off your sippy cup. Do something. And that presentation they put together? Geesh, what utter dreck. Were they trying to prove they had ADHD? Quit cutting the Ritalin in half and go ahead and take the whole does. If their blog is any indication of their acumen, NASA is in bigger trouble than they know.
