
Thursday, March 20, 2008

All's fair in love, war, and elections, but this seems like a dirty trick, even for Republicans.
As if Democrats didn't have enough problems deciding upon their presidential nominee this year, now they must contend with the possibility that Republicans are deliberately crossing party lines to prolong the bitterly contested race between Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama. In recent weeks, conservative talk radio stars Rush Limbaugh and Laura Ingraham have urged loyal listeners to vote for the much-despised Clinton in open Democratic primaries so as to prevent Obama from sealing the nomination, and there are some indications that their calls have already been heeded in states like Texas and Mississippi.
Well, good for them. It could come back to bite them on the ass, in that if it comes to a coin toss, Hillary might actually win the nomination, and John "Let's Stay in Iraq for 100 years" McCain could lose.
