
Sunday, April 06, 2008

Remember that weird Mormon cult disowned by the church in Salt Lake City and has been holed up in their compound out in West Texas since 2001? I linked it here, here, and here. As you might have guessed by now, it was raided on Friday.
Law enforcement agents entered an enormous temple on the grounds of a polygamist compound, but by Sunday morning they still had not found a 16-year-old girl whose initial report of abuse led to the raid.

More than 180 women and children were taken Friday and Saturday from the compound built by followers of polygamist leader Warren Jeffs, but Marleigh Meisner, a spokeswoman for Child Protective Services, said Sunday that investigators were still trying to determine whether the girl who called authorities last week was among them.
Don't they know that a compound raid is supposed to have a shit load of guns, tanks, and flame throwers? Where is Janet "baby killer" Reno when we really need her?
