
Saturday, May 17, 2008

Looks like some people don't want T. Boone pickin' over their land.
It was an unhappy group of about 120 people who met Friday to tell legislators they want something done.

"You know how we feel - act on that," said Liz Shipp, a resident of the southeast Panhandle where T. Boone Pickens' Mesa Power and a water district want to get a right of way to send water and wind energy to larger cities in the state.

But Mesa representatives asked for patience.

"Give our land contract staff ... a chance before you draw a line in the sand," said Ron Harris, a Mesa consultant. "Mesa is not here to steal your land."
I'll admit I'm a bit cynical, but isn't that what people say right before they steal your land? Here's some more on the water side of this land-grab. thanks, long-time reader! Water is going to be a huge commodity in the coming years, and D/FW is going to have to get it somewhere if it's going to continue to grow. But it doesn't make sense to export it from one of the driest areas of the country.
