
Sunday, June 22, 2008

Hey, idiots: when your government has a "surplus", guess where that money comes from? That's right, you!
House Speaker Tom Craddick and State Comptroller Susan Combs have talked about a projected surplus in next year's session. Craddick said it would be about $15 billion but Combs corrected him saying it would be no more than $10.5 billion.
$10.5 billion? I mean $9.7 billion. I have a feeling this number is going to get smaller every time they talk about it.
But despite some cloudy economic forecasts, Isett and other lawmakers are happy that at least for now there is a projected surplus, just like last year.
Uh, maybe your taxes are too high? If you collect more than you can spend, doesn't that mean you collect too much? It seems like lowering taxes would be a better solution to this problem instead of struggling on finding a place to blow the money.
