
Thursday, July 03, 2008

I'm been putting off blogging about this for a while because it kinda makes me a little sick. After a victory for the Second Amendment earlier, we get double murderers getting a walk. After listening to the 911 tape, two things become quite clear:
  • In his home, Joe Horn was never in any danger
  • His neighbor's house was not under his protection because he didn't know them
The "Castle doctrine" that Mr. Horn speaks of ("The laws here changed after September First") allow you to use deadly force to protect your property. Your property. He was seemingly safe in his own home, witnessing a burglary, and put himself in harms way, albeit with a shotgun, and assumed the role of judge, jury, and executioner.

This is not a victory for those that choose to use firearms to protect their families or their property. This is, however, a defeat for those that choose to burglarize homes in Texas.

Still, it's hard to listen to him say "I'm not going to let them get away with this" after the 911 operator tells him to stay inside 15 times and not think this guy was just out for blood.

