
Monday, September 15, 2008

Here's most of the damage we got, which didn't happen till Sunday morning (I have NO idea what day it is.) The row of shingles on the roof let in some water when it rained another 5 inches, and the sheetrock came down, on top of the car.

Could have been a lot worse, and when your ceiling collapses, you want it to be over your car instead of over your bed. So I'm talking to my insurance company: When can I expect an adjuster to come here? "Don't feel like you are less important to us as customer." Dude, turn on your TV. I am less important right now. Or at least should be.

Here's the other thing that is getting a little creepy:

Blackhawks at the treetops: That's always a good sign.

One more thing: Made it to our local non-HEB grocery store today, and people were relatively calm. I was pleasantly surprised to see an ample selection and quantity in the beer aisle. I comment to the guy standing there peering into the non-functioning cooler, "Wow, I can't believe I'm going to get picky." He says "I'm not. I only drink Bud out of bottles, and they're out." I couldn't freakin' believe it. I can't believe he's going to be picky, but being picky about Bud?!? Sweet Jebus. I mean, we're all making sacrifices, but can you drink your piss-water beer out of a can and shut your freakin' pie hole? Focus, people.
