
Thursday, October 30, 2008

The good sober folks of Childress, Texas are at it again. This time, trying to mobilize their base to reverse their recent decision, decided by a plurality of its citizens, to ban the demon alcohol.
Voters in Childress County will decide next Tuesday if it's time to put a cork in the legal sale of alcohol after one year of being wet.

County voters last November narrowly approved a proposition that allows the sale of alcohol, including mixed beverages, in the county. The issue passed by seven votes - 789-782.

For instance, a Baptist church in the city of Childress kicked out one of its members after deacons learned he was campaigning on behalf of alcohol sales.
So when God brings fruit juice and yeast together and it ferments, do the Baptists think that God made a mistake? These people need a freakin' beer.

Also, what the hell is with the scripture he's pointing at in the picture?? Habakkuk 3:15? Am I missing something?
Thou didst walk through the sea with thine horses, through the heap of great waters.
