
Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Childress decides to keep beer decriminalized.
Childress County will remain wet because 62.3 percent of those voting essentially ratified a vote taken in 2007 to legalize the sale of alcohol there. Tuesday's proposition drew 37.7 percent votes in opposition.

The 2007 measure passed by just seven votes, prompting Parkview Baptist Church Pastor Don McFarland and others to circulate a petition to put the question back before voters this year.

"We were pushing for it to go dry. Alcohol destroys homes and lives," said Randy Wilson, senior pastor of Carey First Baptist Church.
Because before this law passed, there was NO hooch in Childress, right?
"I think it has done Childress good to have the revenues coming into our town and to be able to show people it's not about the alcohol, it's what you teach your kids at home," Edmond said.
That's where you're wrong, Edmond. The Democrats are in power again. It's not your job to teach your kids the right thing, or hell, even think for yourself. That's the state's job.
