
Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Snow! Honest to god, snow. Didn't we have a hurricane or something three months ago? What's next, the locust or the frogs?
White stuff fell across much of the Houston area Wednesday evening, as temperatures hovered just above freezing, tying a record for the city's earliest ever snowfall.

Since 1895, according to data collected by Houston's Weather Research Center, snow has fallen this early just once — on Dec. 10, 1944 — during the last 113 years.
Can't wait for the earthquake!!!
Because the ground in the Houston area was relatively warm — 77 degrees as late as Tuesday afternoon — neither snow nor ice was expected to stick to the ground and cause major transportation problems for long.
Wanna bet? Houstonians don't know whether to shit or go blind when it rains. Snow is going to fuck shit up all morning.
