
Thursday, March 12, 2009

No one can convince me why the hell I should join facebook. A lot of people have told me that I needed to join, but not why. This hilarious article sums up, perfectly, why I find the whole thing so abjectly ridiculous. Here are some totally random lines from the article, but read the whole thing:
I am indeed saying something, and it is this: I hate Facebook and everyone on it, including my friends, who I like.


I told him he was a very sad man, that collecting Facebook friends is the equivalent of being a catlady, collecting numerous Himalayans, which you have neither the time nor the inclination to feed. "You have obviously never been on Facebook," he said. "It's so much worse than collecting cats." By this week, however, he'd lost all ironic distance.


He concedes that Facebook is a place that turns adults into teenage girls.


Time magazine recently declared Facebook more popular than porn. But who are they kidding? Facebook is porn. With porn, you watch other people take off their clothes and abase themselves in public. On Facebook, where there's technically an anti-nudity policy (thus defeating the whole purpose of the Internet), you get to figuratively do the same.
Sweet Jeebus, the whole thing is perfect. Read it, kill your facebook page and go out and poke someone (or get poked) for real for a change.
