
Wednesday, April 01, 2009

April fools day was never more lame than when it was online. Google had some zingers in the past, but this was kinda dumb. I did like this sentence, I mean paragraph.
But close though we may have come to a theory of the brain, the body - computer hardware - wasn't capable of handling the extraordinary processing demands that any reasonably "intelligent" brain would place on its circuitry until Moore's Law really kicked in a few years back and the modern ultra-dense machinery of atomic scale-sized gates and their light-based interconnections finally reached the scale of brain neurons - and then surpassed it, when, in early 2007, a tight-knit, vaguely feared quantum computing group here at Google extended computers with quantum bits of Einstein-Bose condensate, polynomially speeding up our machines' data-processing ability.
Pretty clever.

I liked this offering from Expedia. Sounds like a nice place, but no atmosphere.
