
Thursday, April 23, 2009

Holy crap, did I write this?
You know what I like? Blizzards and sleet and hail—the shit that becomes a hazard to public health. And not because I think it’s pleasant—no, I hate having my fucking eyelids freeze together too—I just like to see everybody else hobbling along in droves outside. Because I know that as long as there’s snow on the ground, I won’t see any culottes or public drum circles.

After April 15, on the other hand, everywhere I go is…

“Hey, Matt. Sure is a gorgeous day to get drunk and throw beanbags back and forth on the front sidewalk for 11 hours!”

I look at him and think, “Someday, I’ll eat pancakes on your grave.”
The problem, as Bill Hicks said about people that hate people, "it's just real hard to organize my people." But this guy speaks to my inner misanthrope.
