
Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Pig Flu! This time, High School athletics.
Also, officials suspended all high school athletic and academic competition statewide until at least May 11 because of the spreading flu, which has prompted five districts to cancel classes entirely, including three in suburban San Antonio.
Let's be honest. Canceling high school athletics the last week in April in Texas is like 86'ing the "talent" portion of the Miss America contest. Who the fuck cares?!? But it kind of puts it in perspective, doesn't it? Texas is willing to cancel the "all participant Jr. High track meet" due to pig flu. Just another indication that I could give a shit less about pig flu. On the contrary, had Texas canceled a Friday night football game? I'd be pretty worried right now. And if Texas had canceled a high school playoff football game for pig flu?!? I'd be robbin' a Walgreen's at gunpoint for some tamiflu.

Perspective, people.

