
Sunday, April 12, 2009

Who did the Navy send in to negotiate with the pirates? SEALS, of course. Pirates zero, SEALS 3:
The American cargo ship captain held hostage by pirates jumped overboard Sunday from the lifeboat where he was being held, and U.S. Navy SEALs shot and killed three of his four captors, according to a senior U.S. official with knowledge of the situation.

At the time of the shootings, the fourth pirate was aboard the Bainbridge negotiating with officials, the source said. That pirate was taken into custody.
Negotiate this, bitches! We got something better than ninjas. We got SEALS.

I don't think we can send in the SEALS every time some wack-o takes an American hostage, but this is quite a deterrent to those three pirates. They arrrrrrren't going to be taking any more hostages.
