5/26/2009 05:15:00 PM
by Douglas
So it looks like it's gonna be
Sotomayor. Is that good? Ida know, but I know
this quote is going to be drug through the mud:
"I would hope that a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experiences would more often than not reach a better conclusion than a white male who hasn’t lived that life"
I'm already kinda bored with it, but switch it around and say a latina couldn't have the rich perspective of a white man, and just listen to how silly it sounds. She's a bright woman, but is that why she got the nod? Guess we'll never know, since we're going to hear "first hispanic justice" more than her qualifications. But is that even important? Do we really need a left-handed Ukrainian to represent all the down-trodden Ukrainians out there? So when am I going to get my shot at being the first Supreme Court Justice that's a West-Texas redneck. Oh, nevermind. Damn you,