
Monday, May 11, 2009

Your power is out, the beer is getting hot and there's an ice line down at the FEMA POD. What the hell else are you gonna do? The funniest part of this? Compare this boom to one when there wasn't a cold front that followed the hurricane. Methinks the baby boom would have been considerably smaller with no A/C in South East Texas in September:
Doctors who work in Houston’s busiest maternity ward say they’re expecting an especially bustling June, leading some to conclude that Hurricane Ike was the perfect storm for making babies.

It’s been eight months since Ike knocked out the region’s electricity, leaving many with no television, Internet access or other distractions for days, if not weeks. Now there’s a curious bump in the number of women who are rounding out their third trimesters of pregnancy.
Curious? Not really. Curious would be why CenterPoint and other power providers on the South Coast of the United States continue to use aerial power distribution in light of the fact that the whole coast is a hurricane magnet, but that's a rant for another day. Back to the baby story:
So what was happening at the Dimino home those two and a half days?

“What everybody else in Houston was doing,” said Dimino, 33, whose baby will be her first. “You can only do so much when there’s no television, nothing open and there’s nowhere to go.”
But of course. Which leads me to my new hurricane pickup line: "Hey baby. . . . nice storm damage. Wanna fuck?"
