
Friday, June 05, 2009

Rancher wins $232 Million. Good for him.
If this were a movie, nobody would believe it: A rancher struggling to eke out a living in one of the poorest corners of America claimed one of the biggest undivided jackpots in U.S. lottery history Friday — $232 million — after buying the ticket in a town by the name of Winner.

Neal Wanless, 23, said he intends to buy himself more room to roam and repay the kindness other townspeople have shown his family.

"I want to thank the Lord for giving me this opportunity and blessing me with this great fortune. I will not squander it," he promised, wearing a big black cowboy hat and a huge grin.
I know this much. He'll never get anyone else to buy him a cup of coffee down at the cafe again.

When reached for comment, he said "I plan to just keep on ranchin' 'till it's all gone."
