
Sunday, June 07, 2009

Yesterday I made the mistake of sitting through two hours of this steaming pile of shit. I'm not sure why. This review is way too kind:
It took me a couple days to figure out how to write about it, because I really hated it and I wasn't even sure why. Maybe it was Lucy's fictional narrative, shown in static drawings instead of computer imagery or special effects. Telling us about the ocean levels rising and changing the map may have had more impact if you'd shown us that map? Hell, their image for the flooding of the subways was a photo of a subway tunnel with poorly layered running water where the tracks are. You're not going to scare people into changing with 1960s era effects.
At least no one watched it. But it annoyed me for much less superficial reasons. I know people that don't believe Al Gore's hypothesis about CO2 and climate change are characterized like flat earth supporters, but conclusive evidence does not exist that mankind's carbon emissions are causing it. [just answer one question: What caused the last one?]

But even considering that, listening to Ivy League egg-heads preach to me like a petulant child was way more obnoxious than watching cut-out animation that looks like it was done by a Jr. High art class.

But in the end, it's good to know that the lifestyle we enjoy as Americans is destroying the planet, and that if we don't start living like the Third World, and somehow convince the rest of the planet, most of which are desperately trying to live like Americans, society will collapse, and we'll be living in a post-apocalyptic dystopic nightmarish hellscape.

Unless you're a tenured professor at Harvard. If you are, then your car only emits sunshine and rainbows.
