
Saturday, September 19, 2009

I had to click on this story to see what a full Ginsburg was. I thought it included a midget and a tub of margarine.
On Sunday, President Barack Obama will execute what might be called a Modified Full Ginsburg — appearing on five Sunday morning talk shows to make a pitch for health reform.

It’s a move few politicians have attempted. Even fewer have been able to stick the landing.

The Full Ginsburg, of course, was named for Monica Lewinsky’s lawyer William Ginsburg, who first did the five-fecta of Sunday talk on Feb. 1, 1999. Obama’s move is slightly different – swapping in the Spanish-language network Univision for Fox News Channel.

But there’s no guarantee it’ll work.
Look, Barry, the problem with your health care plan isn't that we haven't heard enough about yet, especially from you.

And am I the only one that finds it hilarious that he'd rather talk to Univision than FoxNews?
