
Thursday, December 17, 2009

Is someone actually listening to Ron Paul? Holy shit!
No one would have been surprised if the Lake Jackson congressman had slipped off the political radar after his 2008 quixotic bid for the presidency, his ambitions for higher office thwarted.

But Paul has refused to go out to the political pasture to live in comfortable irrelevance. As odd as it may seem, he has become one of the most influential Republicans in a capital city dominated by liberal Democrats.

The subject that has brought him to prominence is the same issue that subjected him to ridicule from establishment Republicans for years: his long-standing opposition to the nation's monetary system and the Federal Reserve Board that prints money and controls its supply.

In the House, Paul was ignored by Democrats and marginalized by Republicans. He was punished for the very views that earn him so much adulation today.
I find it hilarious that when the Republicans (Neo-cons) held the White House and both houses of Congress, they treated Paul your crazy uncle that has a pony tail, drives a gremlin and dates strippers. Now that the tea-baggers think it's oh so revolutionary to have a contrarian position, Paul is the poster boy for speaking out against the man. Further proof that no one is concerned with "the man" keeping them down as long as "their man" is in charge.

