
Monday, January 18, 2010

Not that this is a big story or anything, but did you know the country's only assembly point of our nuclear weapons went on lockdown the other day? It wasn't because someone had exploding underwear, it was two good old boys settin' out goose decoys.
Two camouflaged duck hunters scared Pantex officials Friday, prompting a lock-down at 8 a.m. at the Texas nuclear weapons plant.

According to Carson County Sheriff Tam Terry, the plant was locked down because armed hunters were spotted on property adjacent to it.

"Somebody saw some armed individuals dressed in camouflage clothing exiting the vicinity of the plant," said Terry.

Sheriffs found a pair of hunters setting out duck decoys and building a blind on property near the plant, Terry said.
Try to find someone that's not wearing camo and has a few shotguns 15 miles outside of Amarillo. . . .

And from the AGN. The comments are priceless.
