
Saturday, January 09, 2010

The prohibitionists, draconian, utterly useless drug war claims some more unattended consequences.
Police found two severed heads and the bullet-ridden bodies of two women and a handicapped man in the Mexican border city of Ciudad Juarez, the latest chapter in Mexico's increasingly gory drug war.

The killing of women or handicapped people has been rare in a conflict that has cost more than 15,000 lives in the past three years. But drug gangs appear to using such killings — and progressively more gruesome mutilations — to intimidate rivals and the public.
Lovely, is that all? Of course not.
The body of 36-year-old Hugo Hernandez was left on the streets of Los Mochis in seven pieces as a chilling threat to members of the Juarez drug cartel. A note read: "Happy New Year, because this will be your last."

To drive home the point, the assailants skinned Hernandez's face and stitched it onto a soccer ball.
Well that's just super. But, rest assured that with all this violence and billions of dollars being funneled to Central American cartels, illegal drugs are not available to any person in America. So that's kinda cool, right?
