
Thursday, March 18, 2010

Finally, a way to make basketball as interesting as a kick in the balls.
Since a vasectomy requires a few days of rest, the people at ORI reasoned what better time to get vasectomy than March Madness, when you have a good excuse to sit on the couch?

The folks at the Oregon Urology Institute did so well last year that they are following up with "Snip City 2009."

The office has 24 prime slots to get the surgery during the first couple days of the tournament. Anyone who gets the surgery, which costs around $1,000 if you're paying out of pocket, gets to take home a kit that consists of an ice chest and frozen peas.
Sounds about right. I'd rather saw my balls off with a rusty hack saw blade than have to sit through three days of basketball. Or as I like to call it, pointless running.
