
Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Houston, you have a problem. Trouble is, no one really realizes how bad it's going to get, but today's visit sums it up. Check out the sixth bullet point below:
Contractors will bear the brunt of the proposed changes to NASA. (my note: This includes about 7,000 contractor positions at risk in the Houston area).
It's time to stop blaming Bush's NASA trouble and come forth with a vision. Guess who does the majority of the work at JSC? Yep, contractors, and you just told 7,000 who have been the driving force behind the manned spaceflight program to go find another job.

I'm still at a loss as to what is "bold" and "courageous" about telling the people behind every manned mission since Gemini to get another job. But guess what? That's what they'll do.
