
Sunday, May 30, 2010

Hahaha! Check out my hawt, emasculated boyfriend that takes gay pictures cleaning to prove that it's not "woman's work!"
What works better than sultry music to put a woman in the mood? The purr of a DustBuster.

New York women swear the secret to a long-lasting relationship is getting their guy in an apron - the same thing a new study by the London School of Economics found.
Geez, what errant, sexist bullshit. Do women think it's hawt when their men make a Brazzilion dollars and hire a maid? That's probably pretty hawt, too. But where's the man's article? I'd like to see corollary article: "Men think it's hot when their girlfriends don't wear underwear and blow them on the way to the movies." Grow up people.
