
Tuesday, June 01, 2010

The Austrian economists have been preaching doom and/or gloom for a very long time, but this is just peachy. A smattering:
  • The tremendous economic Sophism of the day is that a nation can print its way into prosperity; “If debt and money printing equaled prosperity then Zimbabwe would be the richest country.”
  • “Mugabe is the economic mentor of Ben Bernanke.”
  • There is no means of avoiding a total collapse in the West; at the first train station in 2008, the financial system went bust but didn’t die, at the next station nations will go bust (though this could take 5-10 years or less), but first they will print money as this is the most politically tenable option, and ultimately the world will go to war
  • All of us will be doomed
A chilling vision of things to come.
