
Monday, June 21, 2010

Here's the other dirty little secret about the "get off the oil" rant we've been hearing since 1973 and got ratcheted up after the Gulf spill: We can't survive without the plastic.
As the world has watched the dreadful string of attempts to stanch the flow of oil from its source a mile down in the Gulf of Mexico, it's a good time to consider ways people can make a positive difference in the ocean.

That petroleum bubbling from the seabed is used to make plastic, and, at an alarming rate, that plastic returns to the ocean as pollution.
Let's say a magic fairy gives us our wish and we can buy Mr. Fusion at Wal-Mart tomorrow. What will happen to all the industries in this world that can't function without cheap, disposable plastic? We like it for the computer, most of your car, countless things around your house. . . and the medical industry simply could not function without sterile, disposable plastic. So what's going to replace that?
