
Friday, July 23, 2010

Are you worried that Wal-Mart is tracking your underwear? Well you might not be crazy.
Wal-Mart Stores Inc. plans to roll out sophisticated electronic ID tags to track individual pairs of jeans and underwear, the first step in a system that advocates say better controls inventory but some critics say raises privacy concerns.

Starting next month, the retailer will place removable "smart tags" on individual garments that can be read by a hand-held scanner. Wal-Mart workers will be able to quickly learn, for instance, which size of Wrangler jeans is missing, with the aim of ensuring shelves are optimally stocked and inventory tightly watched. If successful, the radio-frequency ID tags will be rolled out on other products at Wal-Mart's more than 3,750 U.S. stores.
We've been hearing about this for years. Wal-Mart has been dying for the price of the RFID tag to get below 1ยข a unit so they could put them on everything. Imagine how quick it would be to check out when you've got a basket full of cheap, imported Chinese shit and you drive it under a sensor and it says BEEP, $89.34. What's wrong with that? I would still get behind the idiot that wanted to write a check, get $10 back and needs a book of stamps.
