
Thursday, August 05, 2010

I don't know why I find this collateral damage of our ridiculous "war on drugs" so hilarious, but I just do. Imagine taking a stroll on the beach and finding a huge bale of illegal drugs, washed ashore after smugglers ditched their cargo.
At least a dozen times in the last year, small fortunes in illegal narcotics washed up on Texas beaches after being lost by seaborne smugglers scrambling for new ways into the United States, according to federal officials.

The drugs, wrapped in plastic and potentially worth millions of dollars on the streets, were turned in by beachcombers, fishermen, park rangers and deputies. The lost loads popped up all along the coast — mostly cocaine, followed by marijuana and methamphetamine.

About 800 pounds of marijuana washed up on South Padre Island in one shot, 24 kilograms of cocaine in Jefferson County, and another similar-sized load of cocaine near a remote beach of High Island, according to Houston's High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area, a coalition of law-enforcement agencies here and in coastal counties.

The latest known Texas find came in May, when a woman strolling near Galveston found a barnacled black bag with 37 pounds of cocaine pressed into bricks.
I'm sure they all get turned in, right? Right. Moronic law enforcement official, could you make an asinine statement about how this quantity of drugs might someone be significant, and not represent a drop in the bucket of the illegal drugs that are smuggled into the country, each and every day:
"Somebody is hurting over those kilos of cocaine," said Sgt. Joaquin Cantu of the Kleberg County Sheriff's Office. "I'd say the runners would be in a bit of hot water, especially if word got back to where they came from that they'd lost a load."
Hear that, America? We're out of drugs because a smuggler had to dump his load in the Gulf. No more drugs. Yay?!?
