
Thursday, August 05, 2010

I've seen The Breakfast Club more times than I care to count, and I probably did notice most of these things before, but what stands out is the last, unnumbered thing we were supposed to notice:
During the opening montage we see Bender's locker with the phrase "Touch this locker...and you die, FAG!!!" in permanent marker. Tell the principal he raids Barry Manilow's wardrobe, you're punished. Write one of the most offensive words to gay people on a locker in plain view of anyone walking down the hall, and it's totally cool
What that tells me is that we're raising a generation of complete pussies. Ok, bullying is wrong, I get it. You're not supposed call people names. But life gets substantially harder after high school, and crying because someone calls you a name is really, really gay.
