
Thursday, August 26, 2010

NASA has used music to wake up the crew on-orbit since the last days of the Gemini program. Since then, the dorks in the Mission Control Center have picked some of the most horrible music, usually an inside joke with one of the crewmembers, to annoy the rest of the crew and engineers in the MCC. As the shuttle program winds down, they're asking you, the ambivalent public, to pick from their self-culled Top 40, two songs to be played on the last shuttle flight. The horrible list can be found here, but if you want to upload your own submission, go here. But please, even if you don't care (and you don't) please vote for anything to keep those star trek nerds from getting the top spot. As long as it's not the worst band of the 20th century, Rush. Can we put them in orbit?
