
Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Even as an adolescent, I never understood the Peanuts characters. Were they supposed to be pretentious children or condescending adults. It was never obvious to me, but this guy takes it to a new level.
I watched A Charlie Brown Christmas with my kid, and now I openly loathe it. Who thought this was a good idea to show to young children? Charlie Brown is depressed. Lucy is a bossy cunt. Linus is a head case. Peppermint Patty is like a cocktail party guest who corners you and talks to you until you want to slit your throat from ear to ear. Whenever Snoopy talks, he sounds like a cat being raped. No one smiles. Everyone's complaining or arguing. Horrible slow jazz plays in the background. There isn't a semblance of joy in any of these specials, and anyone who tells you they're classics has been fucking BRAINWASHED, just like I was.
OK, maybe I don't think it's that horrible, but it's still pretty horrible.
